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Answer the questions you’ll find below,

And to the next room you’ll be permitted to go.

  1. This belief system is widely considered the first to have a “single” head.

  2. If you were a “good” member and stayed in your lane, you could get “up-voted” to the next level.

  3. This melodic dynasty brought back the barbaric traditions of foot binding.

  4. If you were an athlete in ancient Mesoamerica and played this ball game and lost, you might have had breakfast with your family but dinner with Quetzalcoatl.

  5. This divine directive in China gave justification to overthrow the current government.

  6.  Without modern technology this classical civilization made the decision to act like a ‘banana” and split

  7. Before the Aztecs, there was this great city located about 45 minutes’ drive from CDMX.

  8. This house stands on five supports.

  9. Monsoon winds made this network possible.

  10. This Zulu word for “people” gave the name to this group of people that were the most influential not only with language but technology.


Decipher the clues and do the math to open the door and take a “journey” to Unit 1 like this dude.


1(9) + 10(1) + 3(3) +<sp> +10(1) + 2(2) + 4(10) +7(1) + 10(5) + 1(7) +9(16)

Door 1.png
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